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A Man Of Peace Pleads Mercy Form The Haterfs Collective Elites --- Begging a change of social service direction --- from hate to love and peace.


Martin J. Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

3:39 PM (1 hour ago)
to aleahy, Sammie, Samuel, William, Chris, Key, #Timothy.Earl.Marable, bcc: Michael, bcc: Jennifer, bcc: jennifer, bcc: Maritza, bcc: Angela, bcc: Chief, bcc: Jamie, bcc: Sue, bcc: Michael, bcc: jobs, bcc: mikecheck, bcc: Jim, bcc: Darrell, bcc: Bonnie, bcc: chris, bcc: Blythe, bcc: Mama, bcc: Debbie
[ This is not Spam, there are no links in this address that are unsafe, only two LinkedIn Posts and a Soundcloud Song.  I promise ]

To Whom It May Concern,

There are BCCs in this address.

To Be Available to All Of Society to Find and Make Whole, The rational statements of a man of peace.  My name is not as important as the words and messages that are here ideal.  There is no spam here, only a message of peace.  Please share widely.

Written as Addressed Words To A single audience of one attorney of Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino CA   

See LinkedIn Posts: One [ Permanent ] and Two [ Can Be Considered Temporary ]


There is a  big huge deep seeded secret in the way of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way."   Of course, a line out of Superman the comics.  The courtship of the truth should be honored and as committed to the record of truth as positioned from one who has been formerly a public notary.  

It is bonded to that level of excellence truth and trust called a covenant process by this procedure. I will see your clients in court if you can't comprehend the need for a peace/reconciliation process instead of an unfair and biased fight in court.  

My terms are much less expensive and better placement of work product than the status quo in place here of silence is the best policy.  

That malformed belief is wrong and it is honesty is the best policy forever that is our common virtue value to unite. 

You know I am being rational and your clients are insane.  I am far far less than perfect and I make mistakes.  


Are you as insane to challenge this or can we find a better solution? You choose your side of life.  We are all free to be on the path of life that we want.  You are representing the wrong history of our contentious society and frankly my dearest law degreed credential lawyer under a bar certification of operation, you are at the wrong podium to challenge the man of peace.  You are at a loss for words too!  

Your silence bears forward Plato's declaration: 

Your silence gives me your consent to proceed at the better part of valor without your approval.

Another LinkedIn Post For Your Consideration of where you and I draw a line in the sand of allowance for a state of affairs so grave in our society that is a driving wedge of sanity bearing witness of mass gun shooting after shooting happening most each and every day across the nation.

This whether the news media nationally, locally or worldwide hits the public massive awareness virally with the only big ones to our conscience of mass casualty.  

Is not 4 injured or killed in each single mass shooting event a good standing standard to say, Enough is Enough?  

Where would your hater ethics lead us?  

The answer is...

full and complete chaos and societal collapse.  

Frankly, I know that is not the history that is best or wise to continue.  But that is, in fact, your goal if you lie to the court one more time and defend such a statement as a cease and desist demand against me to continue to document the truth.  

You don't have that right to break virtue so dear --- you deserve your place in hell for that mark of life action after action.  You deserve your doom and gloom if you challenge and if so annihilate in court by your expertise this man of peace.

I would rather die fighting and trying to bring sanity to the world than to live through another cycle of your all hate at me unending unchallengeable and relentless to destroy me that way   You don't get that chance again.  I would rather commit suicide at my hands than to allow this situation to continue one more day at a collective against one odds that I am not the sanity of interpersonal relations to empower.  

Any other choice is a fatal attraction of my emotional resolve to not act in the manner that I just stated --- the model that generates mass gun shootings after shooting after shooting.  I am not the enemy internal of this paradigm happening. I am outside of it --- overlooking the reasons and understanding  to its dimension of rational and irrational insanity reality collectively society-wide and begging mercy --- a prayer, 

God Guide Us All To Rational Sanity and Release this Conspiracy and Drop the Present and The Lies from All Sides.  This war of man is too much carnage to continue even one more minute of an hour.  The urgency is at our hands of the end of this time hourglass --- do not turn over the glass without making a new timepiece of timekeeping!

Amen / So Mote It Be

Time for a new consideration of standards of time peace and reconciliation.

For I know the truth to the holding my cyberID that you can't be that naive to also rationalize something different than you ever dealt with before.

We are at a crossroads and society, God, and me, are pleading on our knees for you to choose right over wrong --- this time.


You would be quashing the pathway to full and complete worldwide peace.

Whether you can stand it or not. Cope with the rational truth that I know I have the model of corrective adaptive solution of this game of life and you are in checkmate. We no longer play this game.  We are at an impasse and I am the one so far that hold the cards, the keys, and the choices of best ways and I am not bluffing. I call for you to understand my hand of hearts of card, they are all open for your view to see.  I hold no secrets so dear.  

I guarantee you that. Time to fold the cards of wrongdoing, turn over your kings everywhere, release this hate and find and pick a better thought, cause and action to replace that void in your heart that is filled with hate.  

Collectively, time to pick a better though, cause, and action to replace that void in your hearts that are filled with hate.  

Time for love and peace.

This is one of those letters of time --- of infamy -- I don't need the credit -- 
to be left marked forevermore --- unsigned.  

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3:39 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Martin J. Driskill" <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: aleahy@leahylegal.net
Cc: "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" <sodivine7546360@gmail.com>, "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" <smartinez.07pnpboi@gmail.com>, "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" <Willwilson003@gmail.com>, "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" <ucanriteme2@gmail.com>, "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" <blackmeat6969@yahoo.com>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <timothyerals@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2018 12:39:25 -0800
Subject: A Man Of Peace Pleads Mercy Form The Haterfs Collective Elites --- Begging a change of social service direction --- from hate to love and peace.
*[ This is not Spam, there are no links in this address that are unsafe,
only two LinkedIn Posts and a Soundcloud Song.  I promise ]*

*To Whom It May Concern,*

*There are BCCs in this address*.

To Be Available to All Of Society to Find and Make Whole, The rational
statements of a man of peace.  My name is not as important as the words and
messages that are here ideal.  There is no spam here, only a message of
peace.  Please share widely.

Written as Addressed Words To A single audience of one attorney of Foothill
Aids Project San Bernardino CA

See LinkedIn Posts: One
<https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6475392517247504384/> [
Permanent ] and Two

[ Can Be Considered Temporary ]


There is a  big huge deep seeded secret in the way of "Truth, Justice, and
the American Way."   Of course, a line out of Superman the comics.  The
courtship of the truth should be honored and as committed to the record of
truth as positioned from one who has been formerly a public notary.

It is bonded to that level of excellence truth and trust called a covenant
process by this procedure. I will see your clients in court if you can't
comprehend the need for a peace/reconciliation process instead of an unfair
and biased fight in court.

My terms are much less expensive and better placement of work product than
the status quo in place here of silence is the best policy.

That malformed belief is wrong and it is honesty is the best policy forever
that is our common virtue value to unite.

You know I am being rational and your clients are insane.  I am far far
less than perfect and I make mistakes.


Are you as insane to challenge this or can we find a better solution? You
choose your side of life.  We are all free to be on the path of life that
we want.  You are representing the wrong history of our contentious society
and frankly my dearest law degreed credential lawyer under a bar
certification of operation, you are at the wrong podium to challenge the
man of peace.  You are at a loss for words too!

Your silence bears forward Plato's declaration:

Your silence gives me your consent to proceed at the better part of valor
without your approval.

Another LinkedIn Post For Your Consideration of where you and I draw a line
in the sand of allowance for a state of affairs so grave in our society
that is a driving wedge of sanity bearing witness of mass gun shooting
after shooting happening most each and every day across the nation.

This whether the news media nationally, locally or worldwide hits the
public massive awareness virally with the only big ones to our conscience
of mass casualty.

Is not 4 injured or killed in each single mass shooting event a good
standing standard to say, Enough is Enough?

Where would your hater ethics lead us?

The answer is...

*full and complete chaos and societal collapse.  *

Frankly, I know that is not the history that is best or wise to continue.
But that is, in fact, your goal if you lie to the court one more time and
defend such a statement as a cease and desist demand against me to continue
to document the truth.

You don't have that right to break virtue so dear --- you deserve your
place in hell for that mark of life action after action.  You deserve your
doom and gloom if you challenge and if so annihilate in court by your
expertise this man of peace.

I would rather die fighting and trying to bring sanity to the world than to
live through another cycle of your all hate at me unending unchallengeable
and relentless to destroy me that way   You don't get that chance again.  I
would rather commit suicide at my hands than to allow this situation to
continue one more day at a collective against one odds that I am not the
sanity of interpersonal relations to empower.

Any other choice is a fatal attraction of my emotional resolve to not
----- Message truncated -----